Problem Solving

Problem Solving/CodeForces

[Codeforces/코드포스] Codeforces Round #579 (Div. 3) B - Equal Rectangles

Problem - 1203B - Codeforces 두 변이 쌍으로 존재하는 지 확인 모든 사각형이 하나의 크기로 정의되는 지 확인 제목 Equal Rectangles 조건 time limit per test : 2 second memory limit per test : 256 megabytes input : standard input output : standard output 문제 You are given 4N sticks, the length of the i-th stick is aiai. You have to create N rectangles, each rectangle will consist of exactly 4 sticks from the given set. Th..

Problem Solving/CodeForces

[Codeforces/코드포스] Codeforces Round #579 (Div. 3) A - Circle of Students

Problem - 1203A - Codeforces Queue 큐를 사용하자 오름차순과 내림차순 제목 Circle of Students 조건 time limit per test : 2 second memory limit per test : 256 megabytes input : standard input output : standard output 문제 There are N students standing in a circle in some order. The index of the i-th student is pipi. It is guaranteed that all indices of students are distinct integers from 1 to N (i. e. t..

Problem Solving/CodeForces

[Codeforces/코드포스] Codeforces Round #575 (Div. 3) D1 (easy version) - RGB Substring

Problem - 1196D1 - Codeforces 길이 N의 string을 길이 K의 substring으로 나눈다 시작 문자가 R, G, B일 때, 세 가지 경우로 나눈다 R - RGBRGBRGB... G - GBRGBRGBR... B - BRGBRGBRG... 제목 RGB Substring 조건 time limit per test : 2 seconds memory limit per test : 256 megabytes input : standard input output : standard output 문제 The only difference between easy and hard versions is the size of the input. You are given a ..

Problem Solving/CodeForces

[Codeforces/코드포스] Codeforces Round #575 (Div. 3) A - Three Piles of Candies

Problem - 1196A - Codeforces 과정보단 결과에 집중해야 한다 Alice와 Bob의 사탕 개수를 똑같이 만들자 전체 합의 절반을 구할 때, 짝수와 홀수는 고려할 필요가 없다 제목 Three Piles of Candies 조건 time limit per test : 1 second memory limit per test : 256 megabytes input : standard input output : standard output 문제 Alice and Bob have received three big piles of candies as a gift. Now they want to divide these candies as fair as possible. T..

Problem Solving/CodeForces

[Codeforces/코드포스] Educational Codeforces Round 69 (Div. 2) B - Pillars

Problem - 1197B - Codeforces 하노이의 탑의 변형 문제임을 생각한다 번호가 N인 디스크를 기준으로 '오른쪽'은 '내림차순', '왼쪽'은 '오름차순' 형태를 띄어야 한다 제목 Pillars 조건 time limit per test : 1.5 seconds memory limit per test : 256 megabytes input : standard input output : standard output 문제 There are N pillars aligned in a row and numbered from 1 to N. Initially each pillar contains exactly one disk. The i-th pillar contains a d..

Problem Solving/CodeForces

[Codeforces/코드포스] Educational Codeforces Round 69 (Div. 2) A - DIY Wooden Ladder

Problem - 1197A - Codeforces K+2개 중 첫번째로 긴 널빤지와 두번째로 긴 널빤지를 '세로'로 둔다 '세로'에서 두번째로 긴 널빤지의 길이와 나머지 널빤지 갯수 K개를 비교하여 결정한다 제목 DIY Wooden Ladder 조건 time limit per test : 2 seconds memory limit per test : 256 megabytes input : standard input output : standard output 문제 Let's denote a K-step ladder as the following structure: exactly K+2 wooden planks, of which two planks of length at leas..

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